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Your First CPU - Chapter 4 - Pipelining |
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There are two areas in our design reguired to implement simple pipelining. (1) We must remove the outer state machine so instead of sequencing through the four instruction cycles each one is executed in parallel. (2) To link each cycle together like a pipelining assembly line we must also add some register storage in between to store the result from each cycle until the next cycle occurs.
module yfcpu(clk, rst, PC); // our cpu core parameters parameter im_size = 8; // 2^n instruction word memory parameter rf_size = 4; // 2^n word register file // a parameter for the bus width of our cpu parameter bw = 8; input clk; // our system clock output PC; // our program counter input rst; // reset signal // the cycle states of our cpu, i.e. the Control Unit states parameter s_fetch = 3'b000; // fetch next instruction from memory parameter s_decode = 3'b001; // decode instruction into opcode and operands parameter s_execute = 3'b010; // execute the instruction inside the ALU parameter s_store = 3'b011; // store the result back to memory parameter s_nostore = 3'b100; // dont store any result, skips a cycle // the parts of our instruction word parameter opcode_size = 4; // size of opcode in bits // Mnemonic Op Codes parameter LRI = 4'b0001; parameter ADD = 4'b0100; parameter SUB = 4'b0101; parameter OR = 4'b0110; parameter XOR = 4'b0111; // our new branch mnemonics! parameter BRA = 4'b1000; // branch to address in memory location RB parameter BRANZ = 4'b1001; // branch to address in memory location RB, if RA is zero parameter BRAL = 4'b1010; // branch to literal address RB parameter BRALNZ = 4'b1011; // branch to literal address RB, if RA is zero parameter CALL = 4'b1100; // call subroutine; store current PC into RD and jump to address in literal location RB parameter HALT = 4'b1111; // our memory core consisting of Instruction Memory, Register File and an ALU working (W) register reg [ opcode_size + (rf_size*3) -1 : 0 ] IMEM[0: (1 << im_size) -1 ] ; // instruction memory reg [ bw-1:0 ] REGFILE[0: (1 << rf_size) -1 ]; // data memory reg [ bw-1:0 ] W; // working (intermediate) register // our cpu core registers reg [ im_size-1 : 0 ] PC; // program counter reg [ opcode_size + (rf_size*3) -1 : 0 ] IR; // instruction register /* Control Unit registers The control unit sequencer cycles through fetching the next instruction from memory, decoding the instruction into the opcode and operands and executing the opcode in the ALU. */ reg [ 2:0 ] current_state; reg [ 2:0 ] next_state; // our instruction registers // an opcode typically loads registers addressed from RA and RB, and stores // the result into destination register RD. RA:RB can also be used to form // an 8bit immediate (literal) value. reg [ opcode_size-1 : 0 ] OPCODE; reg [ rf_size-1 : 0 ] RA; // left operand register address reg [ rf_size-1 : 0 ] RB; // right operand register address reg [ rf_size-1 : 0 ] RD; // destination register /* Pipeline flags */ reg F_STORE; // execute cycle sets if W should be written to RD in writeback cycle reg F_HALTED; // if set, we halt execution until a reset instruction (in a sim, we finish) // the initial cpu state bootstrap initial begin PC = 0; current_state = s_fetch; // LOADROM: here we load the rom file generated by our assembler!!! $readmemh("test.rom",IMEM,0,14); wait(OPCODE == HALT) $writememh("regfile",REGFILE); end // at each clock cycle we sequence the Control Unit, or if rst is // asserted we keep the cpu in reset. always @ (clk, rst) begin if(rst) begin current_state = s_fetch; PC = 0; F_HALTED = 0; end else if(!F_HALTED) begin // perform a fetch, decode, execute and writeback cycle concurrently // FETCH : fetch instruction from instruction memory IR = IMEM[ PC ]; PC = PC + 1; // increment program counter (instruction mem pointer) // DECODE : decode the opcode and register operands OPCODE = IR[ opcode_size + (rf_size*3) -1 : (rf_size*3) ]; RA = IR[ (rf_size*3) -1 : (rf_size*2) ]; RB = IR[ (rf_size*2) -1 : (rf_size ) ]; RD = IR[ (rf_size ) -1 : 0 ]; // EXECUTE : Execute ALU instruction, process the OPCODE case (OPCODE) LRI: begin // load register RD with immediate from RA:RB operands W = {RA, RB}; F_STORE = 1; end ADD: begin // Add RA + RB W = REGFILE[RA] + REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 1; end SUB: begin // Sub RA - RB W = REGFILE[RA] - REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 1; end OR: begin // OR RA + RB W = REGFILE[RA] | REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 1; end XOR: begin // Exclusive OR RA ^ RB W = REGFILE[RA] ^ REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 1; end HALT: begin // Halt execution, loop indefinately F_HALTED = 1; $finish; // quit the sim end BRA: begin // branch to REGFILE[RB] PC = REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 0; end BRAL: begin // branch to RB PC = RB; F_STORE = 0; end BRANZ: begin // branch to REGFILE[RB] if REGFILE[RA] is zero if(REGFILE[RA] !=8'd0) PC = REGFILE[RB]; F_STORE = 0; end BRALNZ: begin // branch to RB if REGFILE[RA] is zero if(REGFILE[RA] !=8'd0) PC = RB; F_STORE = 0; end CALL: begin // call a subroutine; store PC into RD and jump to location in REGFILE[RB] W = PC; PC = RB; F_STORE = 1; end // catch all : NOP! default: begin F_STORE = 0; end endcase // STORE : store the ALU working register into the destination register RD if(F_STORE) REGFILE[RD] = W; // move the control unit to the next state end end endmodule
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